Run enrichment and similarity analysis against signatures in BugSigDB.
More shiny apps by the Waldron lab.
Package: BugSigDBEnrich Type: Package Title: A shiny app for BugSigDB Version: 0.99.8 Authors@R: c( person( given = "Samuel", family = "Gamboa", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-6863-7943") ), person( given = "Levi", family = "Waldron", role = c("aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-2725-0694") ) ) Description: This package contains code for launching a shiny app for BugSigDB. This app allows the user to input a list of taxa and perform enirhcment and similiarity-like analysis aginst the signatures in BugSigDB. License: Artistic-2.0 Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true Imports: bsicons, bslib, bugphyzz, bugsigdbr, BugSigDBStats, cacheTaxonomizr, dplyr, DT, htmltools, htmlwidgets, ontologySimilarity, purrr, rlang, shiny, shinythemes, shinyWidgets, stringr, taxonomizr, tools, utils, waiter Remotes: sdgamboa/cacheTaxonomizr@devel waldronlab/BugSigDBStats@main RoxygenNote: 7.3.2 URL: BugReports: Depends: R (>= 4.4) Author: Samuel Gamboa [aut, cre] (<>), Levi Waldron [aut] (<>) Maintainer: Samuel Gamboa <> Built: R 4.4.1; ; 2024-11-24 22:04:14 UTC; unix
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